Seal of Excelencia Certification Application
Application Sections
The Seal application aligns to the Seal framework’s three core elements: data, practice, and leadership. It contains a total of 11 sections:
Sections 1-2 requests institutional verification of active affiliation in Presidents for Latino Student Success (P4LSS) and contact information. To be considered for Seal of Excelencia certification, institutions must be enrolled in P4LSS.
Section 3 provides opportunity for institution to share an overview of the institution and community and student populations served.
Sections 4-9 align with the six key data and practice areas of the Seal Framework. In each of the sections, institutions are to share 5 years of institutional data, strategy, 3 practices with evidence of effectiveness for each practice.
Section 10 prompts institutions to share about their intentional commitment to improve Latino student success in five essential leadership areas.
Section 11 provides additional space for institutions to share details of their story of transformation to intentionally SERVE Latino students not asked about in the other sections.
General application information:
- Each section consists of tables for data and a combination of open-ended, short answer questions with some binary questions interspersed throughout.
- The data tables for sections 4-9 have been pre-formatted to ensure uniformity in formatting and consistency in the calculations.
- The data tables must be downloaded, completed, and saved to your files before they can be uploaded to the application as directed in each section.
- Every open-ended question has a word limit (150-400 words max) meant to reinforce telling your institution’s story more succinctly.
- Definitions of key terms are provided throughout the application.
Click here to learn about Excelencia Seal application TA support designed to assist institutions with preparing a certification application.
Frequently Asked Questions
Our FAQs provide answers to your questions in the following topics:
- Information and Assistance Available to Help Complete Applications
- Submission of Applications
- Review of Applications
- Announcement of Certified Institutions
A PDF of the FAQs can be accessed here.
If you have any other questions that have not been included in these FAQs, please send an email to with your specific question.