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Preparing for Seal Certification

Excelencia is committed to working in partnership with institutions to share and learn strategies that align data, practice, and leadership as a community of learners to accelerate Latino student success. Institutions on the journey to more intentionally SERVE their Latino students can start preparing for certification as follows:


1. Join Presidents for Latino Student Success (P4LSS) Network

Institutions seeking Seal certification must affiliate in Excelencia’s P4LSS network by March 3. To learn more about affiliation and the P4LSS network, please contact our Institutional Engagement team at P4LSS@EdExcelencia.org.

2. Assess Your Readiness for Certification

Excelencia created the Seal Serving Institutional Transformation Assessment (SSITA) tool to help prepare institutions for their journey to more intentionally serve Latino students and build campus support among faculty, staff, and administrative leaders. SSITA provides a starting point for colleges to assess with a Latino lens who they are serving, not serving, and want to serve with data, practice, and leadership. Learn more about SSITA here.

Other key elements for assessing institutional efforts:

  • Presidential support and administrative engagement that advances institutional priorities to encourage and sustain the work required to intentionally serve your Latino students, among serving all students.
  • An institutional team with reach and expertise that includes leadership in:
    • Academic Affairs,
    • Student Affairs,
    • Institutional Research, and/or
    • President/Provost’s office.
  • Access to five years of data, disaggregated by race/ethnicity in the six areas of the Seal of Excelencia framework: enrollment, retention, transfer, financial support, completion, and representation of faculty, staff and administration.

3. Engage in Excelencia's Technical Assistance

To support and reinforce institutional capacity to more intentionally serve, Excelencia has created a technical assistance strategy to meet institutions where they are in their transformation journey. Learn more about TA opportunities for institutional teams here.

We are offering a Seal Certification Application Webinar on February 24, 3:00-5:00pm ET to provide an overview of the application and review processes, key dates, TA support and resources available. The webinar also offers an opportunity to hear from 2024 Seal certified institutions. Click here to register.

We are also offering a Seal of Excelencia Certification Application Plática Series. They are cohort-based virtual conversations facilitated by Excelencia staff for institutions preparing their 2025 Seal application. Each conversation will focus on different sections of the Seal certification application and approaches to demonstrating impact, intentionality and alignment across data, practice and leadership. The Plática Series will be offered on 4 consecutive Wednesdays in April (April 9, 16, 23, and 30) from 1:00-4:00pm ET each day. Click here to apply.

4. Prepare Your Story of Intentionally Serving Latino Students

Institutions applying for the Seal of Excelencia will share their story of intentionally serving Latino students by providing the items listed below. The SSITA provides a starting point for gathering these important components of your institution’s story.

  • Data snapshots of Latinos being served at your institution through enrollment, retention, transfer, financial support, representation, and degree completion;
  • Strategies and practices and/or programs that are aligned to institutional data showing evidence of effectiveness for accelerating Latino student success; and
  • Leadership strategies that clearly articulate institutional focus on advancing Latino student success.

The Seal of Excelencia recognizes institutions on the journey to transform into environments where all Latino students thrive by demonstrating alignment in the three core areas of data, practice, and leadership and throughout their application as well as:

  • Intentionality in institutional strategies and evidence-based practices serving Latino students;
  • Ongoing data analysis and assessment to identify and implement strategies and practices that advance Latino student achievement;
  • Positive momentum for Latino student progress in all key areas of the Seal framework,
  • Leadership strategies that clearly articulate institutional focus on accelerating Latino student success.

Certification is acknowledged by Excelencia in Education for three years. Certified institutions will be invited to apply for recertification at the end of three years.